Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Heavy Metal

ATTENTION to all women who believe the urban myth that silver and gold are separate entities. May I repeat, this is a MYTH. Life is so much more fun when you are free to mix your metallics. Metallics are neutrals and can be spiced up with their opposites. Opposites attract right? Next time you sling on a stack of gold bangles, throw in a rose gold one as well, or maybe a pair of silver studs. You don't have to go crazy, I just want to encourage y'all (look how Texan I am!) to have fun with it! 

I thought about posting this because lately, on the occasion that a friend asks my opinion on their look, and I suggest mixing silver and gold or what not, my idea is turned down because "They don't match." They don't have to match! Life is more fun when it isn't limited. :) Don't forget to stay true to yourself and you're style, but if you're looking to mix it up a bit, this is one of my favorite ways!

Study hard, Style harder


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